What Lawrence Wright says about the effect of domestic and international politics on groups like Al Qaeda is authoritative and should be listened to:
The best ally in the struggle against violent Islamism is moderate Islam. The unfounded attacks on the backers of Park51 and others, along with such sideshows as a pastor calling for the burning of Korans, give substance to the Al Qaeda argument that the U.S. is waging a war against Islam, rather than against the terrorists’ misshapen effigy of that religion. Those stirring the pot in this debate are casting a spell that is far more dangerous than they may imagine.
Those stirring the pot in this debate are casting a spell that is far more dangerous than they may imagine.
Add this to the many reasons why Pamela Geller is out of her depth.
And, that's being kind to Pammy Shrieks.
No shit.
You should be women, And yet your beards forbid me to interpret That you are so.
Macbeth I,iii, with the witches on the Heath
Wer such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root That takes the reason prisoner? Ibid
more proof fux gnews aids al qaeda, just like georgee and dickie.
Those stirring the pot in this debate are casting a spell that is far more dangerous than they may imagine.
that's what the ghouls want. death, chaos, fear & destruction is good for business and puts em back in power.
after all, chicken hawks aren't made to pay any consequence for the reckless wars they've wrought. why should they stop?
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