If I lived in Arizona Nevada and had the vote, even though Sharron Angle is beyond nuts, I'd vote for her. Better nuts than this disgusting, cynical, partisan Washington kabuki dance, when people's lives and dignity are at stake.
Yes, and I'm sure the logic of "Things aren't happening the way I like, so I'm going to vote for the person that truly truly passionately wants to strip away whatever rights a gay person has already obtained" is the way to go.
I'm sure if Andy was a black person in 1940s Mississippi he'd vote for Theodore Bilbo, if only he'd be allowed to vote, because at least you knew where he stood on the issue of civil rights.
Andrew got some sand in his crack at the beach.
don't know or care about who this andy is, but the fascists are circling their wagons. vox
Final proof, if anyone needed it, that no one should ever listen to anything Sullivan says.
Sullivan is a whack-a-doodle. He's a conservative who clearly believes in Noblesse Oblige - an inherently bigoted concept most at home in the Republican Party - yet he knows that the GOP has been taken over by the teahadists which chaffs him no end - but Andy loved then hated Bush, he likes corporations, and war, but thinks we're in debt too much, and the middle class is getting squeezed, but he's gay and they hate gays, and he's against torture, but 9/11, but, etc. He's a one-man microcosm of the battle for the soul of the Republican Party.
No, I'm quite sure he's cranky because he got sand in his crack at the beach.
the teaparty/republikkkans don't kabuki dance?
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