Oh, our ever balanced and temperate Bizarro World of the right-wing. I don't even want to contemplate the parade of bigoted-douchebags that will be on display in Manhattan this coming Saturday, but undoubtedly it will inspired by the same line of idiocy happening in Gainesville, Florida with "Burn a Koran Day".
Not surprisingly, these idiots rare display of originality in burning something other than a cross will have a nasty side effect of getting Americans killed in other places.
Meanwhile, it seems to me that for a "secret Muslim" the President has no problem coupling a professed respect for Islam with a propensity for lobbing a predator missile into the occasional Afghani funeral or banquet. But we cannot even have temperate language now can we?
Chris Wallace: Obama’s ‘Heart Isn’t Really Into Winning The War On Terror’
(pic via Ben Northern at Flickr.com)
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]
If they want to play with the Illudium Q-36 detonator and it goes off, they might have to take responsibility for what happens, whether they want to or not. I hope they like the taste, because I think they'll have to Eat It All.
c'mon, just get in the spirit of burning stuff. Join Jesus' General on Sept. 20 -- Burn the Confederate Flag Day:
("Where's the Kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering Kaboom....")
thank god FDR won WW2.
they can temper the damage inflicted in burning the koran by launching a high profile prosecution of blackwater mercs for war crimes.
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