Thursday, September 02, 2010

You stay classy

If there's one thing I don't want this blog to become (other than well-written, humorous and insightful of course, but that's not so much don't want, as not capable of being as long as I'm writing here) it's a liberal version of Michelle Malkin's analogy shitfest. "Oh look a liberal did this, therefore all liberals do this". Besides, I'm not an anchor baby so there.

But this pattern is getting ever more disturbing and the Right has to take some ownership of these fuckwads:

A group of teenagers in western New York has been accused of harassing members of a mosque by yelling obscenities and insults during evening prayers for Ramadan, sideswiping a worshiper with a vehicle and firing a shotgun outside, the authorities said Tuesday.


muddy said...

I liked the part about how they had to fire the gun because they were scared. I thought they were the ones who went to do the scaring? I mean, they were the ones to bring a shotgun to this 'tea party'. Psh

DanF said...

When 52% of Republicans think Obama is interested in imposing Sharia on America, and 33% of Republicans think "that is probably not true", and only a stunning 7% thinking this is definitely not true, it's hard not to tarnish them with a broad brush of crazy. "Probably not true"? Are you fucking kidding me? Can that even be considered a sane position? Sharia? In America? Have you turned on the fucking TV or read a magazine in the last 30 years? Christ these people are unhinged.

Athenawise said...

Hey, it was just a shotgun, not an AK-47, people. Foolish teenage hijinks.

/sarcasm off/

Anonymous said...

what part of IOKITYAR don't you understand?

omen said...

all this Islamophobia run amok doesn't ring a bell of deja vu with the world war II generation?